For me however, that has always been the most exciting part. I know what every work means to me, because I was there when it was made. But in the end that isn't what is important to me. What is important to me is what the work might mean to you, the viewer. Which pieces move you? Which ones provoke thought? Which works puzzle or confuse you? Are there works that make you laugh or make you cry? Are their works that spur you to action or make you consider something in a new and different way? Are there works that you'd like to live with? Which works conjure up a story in your mind and what are those stories?
In the end, my hope is that in looking at my work, you can find something in it that moves you, makes you react, affirms you and helps you to feel humanized. I'm posting a slide show here of the work from the show and I invite your feedback in the form of your thoughts, observations, assumptions, stories or questions. If nothing else, art should start a conversation. Let's get this conversation started.